1 million salvations 
With the heart of doing anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Christ, Life.Church began running services online. Then, in 2011, the Church Online Platform was launched, giving churches a way to reach people who may never physically walk into the doors of their church.
Because of your commitment to online ministry, we’re celebrating a significant milestone: one million people indicated they gave their life to Christ through the Church Online Platform!
Think about that for a second—one million lives changed through the ministry of your church and thousands of other churches!
What’s equally amazing is that nearly half of these salvations were recorded in just 2020.
“The enemy thought he had a win with buildings getting shut down, but if anything, it increased the reach and impact of His church.”
— Pastor Jeremy Greening of Vineyard Christian Church
God is moving! Although one million salvations is a huge milestone, when compared to the opportunity we have to continue reaching more people for Christ—we truly are just getting started.
Continue reaching people online
Your church may have started hosting your services online to help fulfill a need when physical gatherings weren’t possible this year. Church online may have felt like a temporary solution, but this new normal is here to stay, and your church online services should too.
As Life.Church Online Pastor Alan George shared, making your online ministry a permanent part of your strategy allows your church to reach the world for Christ like never before.
Whether shared in-person or online, the power of the Gospel is transformative, and—even as physical church buildings begin to reopen—your church online ministries will continue to make a strong impact.
Remember, God is moving through your online ministry, and the opportunity to reach even more people is ahead of us—and we’re doing it together.
We want to celebrate your church!
Fill out this short form to share your stories about lives that you’ve seen changed through your online ministry:
FOMO is real, so don’t take chances.