3 Small Group Resources You Haven’t Tried Yet

Small groups are vital to your church, but keeping people engaged can prove challenging. Leaders are excited to begin a group but can sometimes lose steam doing the same thing each week.

But, don’t lose heart. Your small groups can easily become one of the most vibrant ministries in your church. Give your leaders some new ideas to revitalize their groups.

3 Small Group Resources You Haven’t Tried Yet

1. Plans with Friends

Have you ever been reading the Bible or a devotional and thought, “I’d love to share this with my friend!” The YouVersion Bible App released a new feature called Plans with Friends, which allows you to read a Bible plan with multiple friends or family members. Share insights you have on the Talk It Over section and read what stood out most to your friends.

With more than 4,100 plans to choose from, your small group leaders are sure to find a plan that’s right for their group.  Find plans for:

2. Talk It Over

Talk It Over is an excellent resource for small group leaders, especially new groups or new leaders who aren’t yet fully comfortable leading a group. Talk It Over is a series of questions relating to the weekend’s sermon; it’s a way your attenders can dive into the content deeper and unpack it within their small group.

If your church uses a message series from Open Network, you can download Talk It Over questions for your small groups in the sermon series group.

If you teach your own messages in your church, you can easily create your own discussion questions and topics. These can be uploaded into YouVersion Events, posted on social media platforms, printed in your church bulletin, or uploaded onto your church website.

3. Small Group Resources on Open

From helping your attenders know what mistakes to avoid making as parents to handling conflict in marriage to learning about the prophets in the Bible, there are numerous free small group resources your church can download on the Open Network.

Your women’s small groups would benefit from hearing Pastor Amy Groeschel at the 2017 Sisters event and then following it up with the 4-week study she wrote titled The Hope. And don’t miss out on strengthening your men’s small groups with John Eldredge’s Wild Life Men’s Event.

There are many resources to guide you as you lead your church to have rich and meaningful experiences within their small group settings. Get started today by finding the right small group resource for your community, and learn more about our approach to small groups ministry by viewing our training videos.

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