Working at a church, it’s easy to slip into a rhythm of activity.
Weekends come, and weekends go. A series starts and ends. Events are planned for weeks, and they’re over in two hours.
Sometimes it feels like rinse, wash, repeat, right?
This Christmas season, don’t get caught in this cycle. Enter this time of year with anticipation of what God is going to do through His Church and in His people.
Expect the Unexpected
Let’s go back to the original Christmas—the birth of Jesus. Many things can be said about this sacred event, but let’s focus on this: it was unexpected.
- Who would have expected the Savior of the world to come as a meek and mild child?
- Who would have expected the King of Kings to be born among livestock and placed in a manger?
- Who would have expected angels to appear to lowly shepherds?
God specializes in the unexpected. He longs to show up in ways that are humanly impossible so that we may realize His might and strength and surrender to him.
Why would we—as leaders—expect anything less than God’s best this Christmas?
No matter what challenges your ministry is facing right now, we hope you’ll enter this Christmas season expecting God to do the unexpected.
As a church, what are you believing and trusting God for this Christmas season?
Your Next Steps
Spend some time with your staff to identify what your “unexpected” is, and then expect it! Pray for it, believe in it, and prepare for it.
Because we know He stands ready to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20)
Expect the Expected
As you prepare for the unexpected, we’d love to give you something that, by now, is hopefully expected.
We’ve put together all our Christmas resources on one page, Here you’ll find downloadable resources, training, apps, and conversation in community to help you prepare for Christmas. Use the button below to visit this special page built just for you!
FOMO is real, so don’t take chances.