Our LifeKids team had a problem to solve: how do we continue to do meaningful church experiences while our 35 campuses are closed? The team hit the studio yesterday, and created full-length video services that include interactive elements, pauses, and worship that can be streamed online.

And they did it with you in mind. If your physical church building is closed, we’ll have complete plug-and-play videos for ages two through 6th grade ready for you each week, at least through Easter. There are full-length service videos for our popular Bible App for Kids units, Crosstown, Konnect, and Loop age groups, and we created them to be completely generic—no Life.Church branding was included and only license-free music was used.
The videos are in post-production and will be available soon; check here for videos on Friday.
Facebook Live: Online Ministry
So many of us are jumping into online ministry for the very first time, and Pastor Alan George and the Life.Church Online team want to help. Watch our Facebook Live for a Q&A about hosting, prayer, and serving attenders during this season.
For support questions about Church Online Platform, visit https://support.online.church/.
Preach Craig Groeschel’s Sermon
Pastor Craig wrote a bold, hope-filled sermon specifically to address the COVID-19 event happening in the world. Use his sermon outline to teach the message yourself, and or play his video of the message in your online service. Get “Not Afraid” sermon notes, graphics, and video to use in your church.
Launch Online Ministry this Weekend
If you’re considering starting online ministry this weekend, we’ve developed a tool that makes it as easy as possible. The Church Online Platform. We put together the first 8 steps you need to take to be up and running online by the weekend.
FOMO is real, so don’t take chances.