Life.Church Senior Pastor Craig Groeschel has a short message just for you, and we’ve compiled some tips and suggestions to help you lead well during a crisis.
High-Level Leadership Tips
Leading Your Attenders:
- Don’t be afraid to say what people are thinking or answer what people are too afraid to ask. People won’t follow you if they think you don’t understand them or their circumstances.
- You don’t have to have all the answers. Lead with vulnerability and empathy, and communicate what you do know. Remember, people would rather follow a leader who is always real than one who is always right.
- Communicate more frequently in this season because things can change quickly.
- Let your attenders see your face and hear your voice during this time. Lean in to social media, and let them see the joy and hope in your eyes!
- Don’t make promises, but share what is true and embrace that things are likely to change.
Leading Your Staff:
- Almost always, no matter how devoted your staff is to your mission, their first thoughts in a crisis will veer toward themselves and their families and not the organization. In your communication, acknowledge their feelings and priorities.
- Lead personally and pastorally before jumping into work conversations.
- Provide structure and normalcy where you can. Continue team meetings and 1:1s to connect, even via video.
- Be flexible and hold each other accountable to rest and pray for each other.
Lead Yourself and Your Family:
- Even with the extra demands, do not neglect your time in the Word and in prayer.
- If you’re working from home, take breaks and get outside for sunshine and fresh air if you can.
- Take time to connect with your spouse. Don’t neglect praying together and talking face-to-face each day.
- Take breaks during the day for connection for your family and friends.
Leading Through Crisis
We don’t manage a crisis, we lead through one. In this Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, Pastor Craig leads you through the steps of identifying a problem and then putting together a plan to address it—all while communicating effectively and empathically with the people impacted.
Leading from Home
So many of us are working from home—but are you leading from home? Craig shares his seven tips for leading from home and gives us advice for homeschooling kids along the way during the COVID-19 crisis that has so many businesses and schools closed.
Time to Innovate
In last week’s Facebook Live titled Time to Innovate, Life.Church Innovation Pastor Bobby Gruenewald, Campus Pastor Chris Beall, and Online Pastor Alan George discussed mindshifts that allow churches to embrace this season as a time for innovation. Replay the full event, or enjoy these power-packed clips to challenge your thinking in this season.
Even more tools.
Whether it’s leading your team during the COVID-19 crisis or figuring out how to create an excellent online experience, we have great tools from our partners.
- Leading in Uncertain Times—Andy Stanley
- COVID-19 Response—Team Church
- Setting the Tone for Your Church
- Getting Online When You’re Not Online
- Elevating Your Online Experience
- Online Giving Engagement
- Children’s Ministry for Online Services
- Digital Ministry Strategy Guide—River Valley Church
- Taking Your Church Online—GROW
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