When someone decides to follow Jesus during one of our Life.Church services, our next step is to help disciple them along their faith journey.
At our Life.Church campuses, we do this by giving them a physical copy of the You Said Yes devotional devotional for new believers. Our pastors and creative team came together to create this 21-day devotional that walks alongside new believers as they learn about prayer, worship, Jesus, temptation, and more.
But what about people who decide to follow Jesus through a Life.Church Online online service?
To create an excellent experience for new believers online, the Life.Church Online team spent six weeks following up with every one who interacted with a Salvation Moment during a Church Online Platform service.
Through these interviews, they learned the biggest challenge new online believers face is loneliness.
Online attenders may live far from Christian community, be physically unable to travel to church, or feel too much anxiety to visit in person. And maybe even more important, they have no one to turn to in person who can answer the big questions that come with new salvation. They feel alone in their new walk with Jesus.
To help disciple these new believers who may not have any other connection, the Life.Church Online team created a special version of the You Said Yes devotional.
This version answers specific questions about loneliness and also tackles three important questions new believers have about their decision to follow Jesus:
- What does this mean?
- What should I do?
- What does this change?
Throughout the 21-day journey, new believers are equipped to study the Bible, pray, worship, get baptized, join a Christian community, begin volunteering, be generous, and more.
We’ve seen many lives changed through this devotional, and it’s available for free to any church looking for a great way to follow up with new believers online.
You can download an unbranded editable version here or draw inspiration from the exact version we use at Life.Church Online here.
How to Use the Devotional in Your Online Service
If you already run services on the Church Online Platform, you can follow these five simple steps to start using You Said Yes today.
Step 1: Download the editable version of You Said Yes and customize the design and content to best fit your church.
Step 2: Host a public PDF version of the devotional and create a link that lets whoever has the link download it. (Great options for this include Dropbox and Google Drive.)
Step 3: Create a simple email submission form that promises to send the devotional after attenders fill out their contact information.
Here’s a simple example:
Step 4: Create a Moment in the Church Online Platform that links to this form.
Step 5: Once everything is set up, you can offer the You Said Yes devotional by using the moment you made. Once their form is submitted, set an email to trigger that delivers the link and more information about your church.
For email design and copy inspiration, you can view the email we use at Life.Church Online here.
Bonus Tip: When our online pastors show the physical book on camera, we’ve seen an increase in how many people will respond and let us know they’ve prayed to receive Jesus.
As we mentioned, we also use a version of this devotional in our physical campuses—and you’re welcome to explore that version, too. For us, the green version is for physical locations and the blue version is adjusted for online services. Feel free to edit, customize, and use either version to help lead more people to become fully devoted followers of Christ in your community.
FOMO is real, so don’t take chances.