The One Thing Your Team Needs This Easter

What’s your goal this Easter?

Record attendance? A more engaged volunteer team? Being the friendliest church in your city?

Easter is a tremendous opportunity to minister to your community and share the Gospel with many who may not realize just how good the Good News is.

But, if your church doesn’t enter into this season with a unified goal and a clear vision for achieving it, you could miss all that God wants to do through your church this Easter.

The One Thing Your Team Needs This Easter

Maximize Easter and reach your goal by using what we like to call the “Mile Marker approach.”

Mile Markers

What’s a mile marker? Think about driving on the interstate. Every mile, there’s a mile marker that tells you exactly where you are in relation to the state line.

What does this have to do with Easter or the church? Mile markers help your team see where they’re winning and how far they have to go in reaching your unified goal. Your target can be whatever is relevant to your church—it might be inviting people to church, recruiting volunteers, etc.

Rather than being a true goal, mile markers indicate where you’re at in your journey. For example, if you meet your goal of losing 10 pounds, you might stop doing what got you there and gain that 10 pounds right back. With a Mile Marker approach, you’re not settling on a destination but rather changing the way you do things on a consistent basis to achieve more than you thought possible.

So if your mile marker focus is on recruiting volunteers, set your target, recruit like crazy, and  check in every week on your progress. It’s an approach that helps keep everyone consistently focused, so make sure to create several wins with mile markers and have an overall goal that’s achievable in two to four months.


Easter Resources

To further equip you for the Easter season, see all of our Easter resources in one place. Whether you’re looking for sermon messages, worship songs and stems, kids curriculum, creative assets, or ministry training, you can find whatever you need for an exciting Easter service for free on Open Network

Check out these brand new items:

Don’t forget that our resources also include several great apps to help maximize your efforts and growth. We’re passionate about leveraging technology to reach more people, and we’ve highlighted a few examples below:

  • Church Metrics is an easy way to track your data in order to make better ministry decisions.
  • The Church Online Platform is an easy-to-use tool for broadcasting services and connecting with people online.
  • YouVersion Events allows attenders to connect with your messages and engage with the service in real time on their smartphones.

However you’re preparing for Easter this year, it’s our hope that we’ve helped make things a little easier for you and that your church experiences a weekend full of changed hearts and lives.



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