There’s so much to love about Christmas, but the thing we’re most excited about is that this is the time of year when people who are far from God are more likely to attend a church service.
People who are broken, skeptical of the church, hurt by the church, or just new to church will walk in to your doors in just a few weeks. Are you ready?
As we prepare to welcome new attenders at our services at Life.Church, we’re sharing six tips we’ve found helpful for making people feel welcome and helping them experience our Savior.
6 Tips for Welcoming New Attenders this Christmas
Start at the door.
Your greeter team is your first line of offense in helping people feel warmly welcomed. In addition to smiling and verbally welcoming guests, volunteers should also be trained to open the door for each person rather than prop the door open. Why? Opening the door wide for your guests makes them feel like VIPs. And if guests ask where things are located, don’t only point them in the general direction—walk them to the location. This gives you a chance to visit with the guest and make a connection. Learn more about our greeter role and download job descriptions for our other Host Team roles.
Serve holiday snacks.
What’s the first thing people look for when they go to a party and don’t know anyone? Snacks! If you’re able to, serve holiday cookies and hot cocoa. Tasty treats give people something to hold and enjoy in a place that’s new.
Make your lobby festive.
You can create a warm, welcoming environment with the decor you use in your church lobby. Christmas trees, lights, plaid table runners, and other decorations make your church feel more like home. If you have the space, create a photo op area for families to take photos. Below are a couple of decor and photo area ideas; we’d love for you to share on your own ideas and pics on our Facebook page!
Perform a walk-in song.
At Life.Church, we play a secular song live each week before the service as people are walking to their seats. We call this the “Walk-in Song” and use it to make first-time guests and others who don’t know Christ feel more comfortable at church. This is just one more tool that helps break down the walls people have built up and allows them to feel comfortable in church.
Hear more about our approach to walk-in songs.
Sing a familiar song.
People long for tradition, so even if your worship services are normally more modern or contemporary, it can be a good idea to throw an old hymn into the mix. Christmas songs like “O Holy Night” and “Joy to the World” are familiar to most people and can help them feel comfortable in an environment that’s new.
If you’re looking for new worship songs for your church this season, view the worship resources on the Open Network. Download chord charts, stems, lyric videos, and more…all free.
Invite people to come back.
During Christmas, it may not be the time to do a giving or small groups push, but it is time to do a “come back next week” push. Invite new guests to come back to church next week with clear communication from stage and in lobby conversations. Invite new children back, and if possible, offer a small gift (toy, stickers, or candy are good options) if they return the next week. Remember, Christmas services are a small part of their journey with Christ; let’s focus on helping new attenders come back after Christmas ends.
Bonus! Christmas Ideas
Want even more ideas and resources to help you plan this Christmas? Watch our series of videos to help you maximize Christmas and download free resources at
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